Animal exhibitors participating in the Nebraska State Fair, regardless of their county fair standings, must adhere to specific guidelines to ensure eligibility. These guidelines apply to 4-H participants aged 9-18 and FFA participants aged 10-21.
Key requirements include the following:
1. Deadline: By Thursday, June 15, exhibitors must enter and pay for breeding and market livestock nominations via online platform
2.DNA Envelopes: Exhibitors must submit completed DNA envelopes to the Extension office.
3. Tags and DNA Envelopes: Tags and DNA envelopes can be obtained from the Extension office, with after-hours distribution available through a designated 4-H drop box.
4. New Requirement: Beginning in 2023, all 4-H/FFA livestock projects, including feeder calves and all market and breeding livestock for all species (excluding rabbits and poultry), must have a DNA envelope submitted and a $7 nomination paid via Show Stock Manager.
5. Final Entries: By Thursday, August 10, 8 p.m., 4-H/FFA youth or their families must submit their final animal entries through the online ShoWorks system
For further details and additional information, interested participants can visit the provided links or refer to the guidelines available on the official Nebraska State Fair website.
Photo Credit: Nebraska State Fair
Categories: Nebraska, General, Livestock, Poultry