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USDA mid-year surveys - crucial insights for 2024 agriculture

USDA mid-year surveys - crucial insights for 2024 agriculture

By Scout Nelson

As summer approaches, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) gears up for its annual June Agricultural Survey and June Area Survey. These surveys play a pivotal role in shaping the agricultural landscape of the United States.

Nicholas Streff, NASS' Northern Plains Regional Director, highlights the significance of these surveys. They are instrumental in determining expected acreage and supply of major commodities for the 2024 crop year. The data collected isn't just for farmers and ranchers; it's utilized by a multitude of stakeholders, including businesses, researchers, policymakers, and more.

During these surveys, producers across Nebraska are contacted to provide crucial information. They're asked about planted and harvested acreage, grain stocks, livestock inventory, land values, and more. Respondents can choose to participate online, by phone, or through mail, ensuring accessibility for all.

Privacy is important in these surveys. NASS keeps individual information confidential, publishing data only in aggregate form to protect the identities of operations and producers. This confidentiality encourages transparency and trust within the agricultural community.

The gathered data serves as the foundation for various USDA reports, including the annual acreage and quarterly grain stocks reports, slated for release on June 28, 2024. It contributes to monthly and annual crop production reports, small grains summaries, livestock reports, and the USDA's monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates.

Streff acknowledges the busy schedules of farmers but stresses the importance of their participation. Their cooperation ensures the continued success and promotion of U.S. agriculture.

NASS' June Agricultural Surveys are crucial for shaping the future of American agriculture. By participating, producers contribute to a wealth of data that informs decisions across the industry, ultimately benefiting the entire agricultural community.

Photo Credit -gettyimages-daniilantiq

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Categories: Nebraska, Crops, Government & Policy, Livestock

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