“Farming’s In-Law Factor,” by Elaine Froese and Dr. Megan McKenzie, has been chosen for the Nebraska Women in Agriculture 2023 quarter three book club. Froese will lead the virtual discussion of this book at 1 p.m. Central time on Sept. 7
Every farm team wants harmony on their family farm and “Farming’s In-Law Factor” will show you how to get it. You’ll gain insights into how family systems work. The culture of agriculture section is a great primer for urban folks or new farm brides from the city who have not grown up waving to strangers they pass on the road! The book is packed with helpful hints on what the daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law and son-in-law needs. There are toolboxes that you can use immediately to find out what’s working and what is not working for your farm business partners, who also happen to be family.
Source: unl.edu
Categories: Nebraska, Business