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Farmers gain edge with updated USDA regulations

Farmers gain edge with updated USDA regulations

By Jamie Martin

The National Farmers Union (NFU) is applauding the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for its proposed rule changes to the Packers and Stockyards Act (P&S Act). The NFU believes these updates are crucial to protect family farmers and ranchers from unfair practices by large meatpackers.

The proposed rule, titled "Fair and Competitive Livestock and Poultry Markets," aims to strengthen enforcement of the P&S Act by establishing a framework to evaluate claims of "unfair practices" against meatpackers. This will benefit livestock producers who have faced issues like discrimination, retaliation, and deception in the marketplace.

NFU President Rob Larew expressed his support for the initiative, highlighting the need for clear, enforceable P&S Act regulations. He emphasized the challenges faced by family farms due to monopolistic practices in the meatpacking industry. The NFU looks forward to reviewing the proposed rule thoroughly to ensure it effectively safeguards farmers from market abuses.

This recent proposal marks the fourth in a series of P&S Act updates undertaken by the USDA in recent years. Two of these updates were finalized in the past year, addressing issues specific to poultry contracting and unfair practices towards livestock producers.

The NFU's ongoing "Fairness for Farmers" campaign has played a key role in bringing national attention to the detrimental effects of monopolies on family agriculture. Strengthening P&S Act enforcement remains a central focus of this campaign and the NFU's grassroots policy efforts.

Photo Credit: national-farmers-union-foundation

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