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Nebraska farmers enjoy favorable crops condition

Nebraska farmers enjoy favorable crops condition

By Scout Nelson

As of May 26, 2024, Nebraska farmers had four suitable days for fieldwork, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Soil moisture levels varied, with topsoil at 73% adequate and subsoil at 66% adequate, both crucial for crop development.

The planting and emergence rates across various crops have shown mixed results:

  • Corn: 91% planted, closely aligning with the 92% five-year average, but emergence lagged at 61%, behind last year’s 75%.
  • Soybeans: 80% planted, slightly behind the 81% average, with 41% emerged, significantly trailing last year's 61%.
  • Winter Wheat: Conditions look favorable with 71% rated good to excellent. 52% of winter wheat has headed, surpassing last year’s 31%.
  • Sorghum: Planting at 31%, consistent with last year, but below the 39% average.
  • Oats: Strong condition with 55% rated good to excellent, 93% emerged, and 16% headed, which is ahead of historical averages.

Pasture and range conditions also reflected a positive outlook with 63% rated good to excellent. Despite some crops showing slower emergence compared to previous years, the overall condition of the crops remains promising.

Photo Credit -gettyimages-livingimages

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Categories: Nebraska, Crops

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