"Building Rural Communities Since 1913" is the theme for the 109th annual Nebraska Farmers Union (NeFU) state convention Dec. 2-3 at the Marriott Cornhusker Hotel, Lincoln.
John Hansen, NeFU president, said, "We have an exciting program with 22 speakers addressing a wide range of topics from new water quality research from University of Nebraska Dr. Jesse Bell, Dr. Eleanor Rogan, and Matt Sutton, the prospects for the 2023 Farm Bill with NFU President Rob Larew and Government Relations Layla Soberanis, state updates from USDA FSA Executive Director John Berge, USDA Rural Development Director Kate Bolz, Nebraska Ethanol Board Executive Director Reid Wagner, Farm To Schools coordinator Sarah Smith and a State Senator panel with Senators Carol Blood, Tom Brandt, John Cavanaugh, and John McCollister."
Layla Soberanis, NFU government relations staff, will report on NFU legislative issues Friday noon, Bryce Anderson, DTN retired senior meteorologist, and Tom Giessel, NFU historian, will keynote the Friday evening banquet, and Rob Larew, NFU president, will keynote the Saturday noon luncheon.
Hansen noted, "In addition, we will set our NeFU state policy, elect one member to our NeFU Foundation Board, two NeFU Board of Directors, and three delegates to National Farmers Union Convention. We are pleased to once again be meeting in person. There will be lots of handshakes and hugs."
NeFU delegates will elect Board of Directors for three-year terms from Districts 3 and 7. Mary Alice Corman is running for re-election in District 3 and Art Tanderup is running for re-election in District 7.
In addition to electing officers, three delegates and alternates to the National Farmers Union (NFU) Convention will be elected after the Friday noon luncheon. NeFU Vice President Vern Jantzen will chair the 2022-23 NeFU policy day that will be held Dec. 1 at 10 a.m. at the Marriott Cornhusker, and also the policy adoption process Saturday afternoon when delegates finalize the policy.
Hansen noted "NeFU has helped build economically stronger rural communities since 1913 by organizing hundreds of farmer-owned cooperatives, develop new profitable customer direct markets for ag producers, and capture the billions of dollars of value-added economic benefits from biofuels, wind, and solar renewable energy. Thanks to the support of our sponsors, registration and meal costs are affordable to encourage member participation. Our members are the owners and builders of our organization. Convention is their chance to put their hands on our steering wheel to give us direction for the next year."
Categories: Nebraska, Government & Policy