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Nebraska fieldwork days and crop progress update

Nebraska fieldwork days and crop progress update

By Scout Nelson

For the week ending August 4, 2024, the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service reported 6.7 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated at 12% very short, 37% short, 47% adequate, and 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated at 10% very short, 33% short, 53% adequate, and 4% surplus. 

Field Crops Report:

Corn conditions were reported as 3% very poor, 7% poor, 20% fair, 46% good, and 24% excellent. Corn silk reached 97%, close to 94% last year and above the five-year average of 92%. Corn in the dough stage was at 51%, ahead of 39% last year and the 40% average. Corn dented was at 5%, near 2% last year and the 3% average.

Soybean conditions were rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 20% fair, 54% good, and 19% excellent. Soybeans blooming reached 95%, ahead of 90% last year and the five-year average. Soybean setting pods were at 73%, ahead of 63% last year and the average.

Sorghum conditions were reported as 0% very poor, 5% poor, 21% fair, 57% good, and 17% excellent. Sorghum headed was at 65%, ahead of 53% last year and 54% average. Sorghum coloring was at 2%, near 3% last year and 4% average.

Oats harvested reached 91%, ahead of 73% last year and 84% average.

Dry edible bean conditions were rated 9% very poor, 7% poor, 27% fair, 40% good, and 17% excellent. Dry edible beans blooming was at 69%, matching last year, and near the 72% average. Setting pods were at 41%, close to 37% last year and the 39% average.

Pasture and Range Report: Pasture and range conditions were rated 11% very poor, 15% poor, 27% fair, 35% good, and 12% excellent.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-mvburling

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Categories: Nebraska, Crops, Weather

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