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Nebraska Residents Get a Chance to Voice Farm Bill Priorities

Nebraska Residents Get a Chance to Voice Farm Bill Priorities

Congress is continuing discussion on the 2023 Farm Bill, and Nebraska residents got a chance to voice their Farm Bill priorities to visiting congressional members.

Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer, a member of the Senate Agricultural Committee, hosted Arkansas Senator and Ag Committee member John Boozman in several roundtables across the state in hearing what farmers want to see in the new bill.

Fischer says one of the main things they heard about during the talks is on precision agriculture and got a chance to see firsthand how it all plays out.

“He can determine how deep a seed needs to go on that planter. He can watch in real time if that seed is being placed six inches apart and can make adjustments in real time so his input costs will be lower.”

Senator Boozman says that agriculture is not a one size fits all solution, so it’s important that the solutions for their problems come from the ground up instead of from Washington.

Senator Pete Ricketts, who also joined in on the discussions, says what they saw at the University of Nebraska Extension Office with precision ag is helping farmers continue to be the best conservationists in the world.


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Categories: Nebraska, Government & Policy

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