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Unique Heifer Development Program Offered by SDSU and UNL

Unique Heifer Development Program Offered by SDSU and UNL

Cattle producers in the region have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into heifer development through a research program jointly administered by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension and the South Dakota State University Extension.

Producers can submit an application this fall to have their heifers entered into the Great Plains Heifer Development Center, which is housed at the UNL Haskell Beef Lab close to Concord, Nebraska. Producers from Nebraska and South Dakota will be given preference, participants from neighboring states will be admitted if space allows.

The program offers enrolled producers custom heifer development data that can help them fine-tune their operations and promote the long-term health and productivity of their cow herds. Heifers are assessed for temperament, performance, and reproductive qualities, with an emphasis on keeping track of their diet and weight.

To participate, heifers must meet specific program criteria, including being in good health, having a known sire, and having individual, permanent identification through a brand or tag. Heifers can be either commercial or registered.

Interested parties should visit for a detailed list of program requirements.

Those wishing to join the program are encouraged to reach out to the following contacts:

Kiernan Brandt, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist, at 605-882-5140 or Kiernan.Brandt@sdstate.Edu; Connor Biehler, UNL Beef Assistant Extension Educator, at 402-624-8007; Rick Rasby, UNL professor and Extension Beef Specialist, at 402-472-6477; or

Later this fall, details on fees and registration deadlines will be available.

Cattle producers can benefit from this unique opportunity to enhance their heifer development practices and contribute to the long-term success of their cattle operations.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-dszc

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Categories: Nebraska, Education, Livestock, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle

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