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Divergent Planting Progress and Challenges Faced by Nebraska Farmers

Divergent Planting Progress and Challenges Faced by Nebraska Farmers

Farmers in Nebraska are experiencing varying degrees of progress in planting across different regions of the state. In Northwest Nebraska, typically drier, farmers are making good headway, with around 70 percent of corn planted. However, in the Platte River Valley and further south, the progress is slightly slower. The sugar beet crop is underway and showing promising growth, although some farmers had to replant after early planted beets froze off. Winter wheat faces challenges due to poor winter survival, leading to the replacement of damaged fields with alternative crops like millet.

Recent rainfall in the northwest region brings relief to livestock producers by replenishing range land and addressing the shortage of forage caused by drought conditions. The moisture received is highly valuable for generating grass growth.

In Southeast Nebraska, some areas are making excellent planting progress. However, as one moves further south or encounters non-irrigated areas, the situation becomes drier. Some farmers in these regions, particularly those with cattle, are considering forage crop options if additional rainfall occurs. These non-irrigated counties are experiencing a dire need for rain to support agricultural activities.

Farmers in parts of Southeast Nebraska face challenges from ammonia burn. The dry conditions, coupled with fall or spring-applied ammonia, especially with high-speed rigs, can result in burning the initial root as it encounters the concentrated ammonia. This issue, known as ammonia burn, has caused some stand loss and impacts the early development of seedlings.

Overall, the diverse planting progress and challenges faced by Nebraska farmers illustrate the localized impact of weather conditions on agriculture. Farmers in different regions employ various strategies to mitigate the effects and adapt to the specific challenges they encounter.


Photo Credit: gettyimages-fotokostic

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Categories: Nebraska, Crops, Corn, Wheat, Weather

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