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Farm safety tips for harvest in Nebraska

Farm safety tips for harvest in Nebraska

By Scout Nelson

As harvest season approaches, the Nebraska Corn Board (NCB) and the Nebraska Corn Growers Association (NeCGA) are raising awareness about National Farm Safety and Health Week, celebrated from September 15-21, 2024.

The theme for this year is “Don’t Learn Safety by Accident,” and Nebraska Corn is urging farmers and rural communities to prioritize safety during this busy and often stressful time of year.

Agriculture is a cornerstone of Nebraska’s economy, with one in four jobs tied to industry. However, it remains one of the most dangerous sectors, where accidents often go unreported. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has developed an agriculture safety and health program to address the risks that farmers, workers, and their families face. For many families, farming spans generations, and learning safety practices at an early age is crucial.

“This is an industry my grandfather was in, and my father, myself and hopefully someday the next generation, but it doesn’t go without risks,” says Michael Dibbern, NeCGA vice president. “I grew up in and around combines and tractors, but not without my father teaching safety and vigilance with equipment. As I teach my children about farming, we have safety measures that must be learned so it’s not learned by accident.”

Nebraska Corn emphasizes the need for farmers to take care of themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally during harvest season. Adequate rest is crucial for maintaining safety on the farm. In addition, Nebraska Corn encourages rural drivers to exercise patience and caution due to increased farm traffic during the harvest.

Farmers are advised to follow safety measures for equipment, entanglement, fall hazards, fire prevention, and grain bin safety. Key tips include never approaching running machinery, using proper non-slip footwear, carrying fire extinguishers, and wearing harnesses when entering grain bins.

The Nebraska Corn Board and Nebraska Corn Growers Association continue to promote safety education and awareness, ensuring that farmers and rural communities remain vigilant throughout harvest and beyond.

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Categories: Nebraska, Crops, Corn, Harvesting, Rural Lifestyle, Farm Safety

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