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Shape Nebraska's future - summit 2024

Shape Nebraska's future - summit 2024

By Scout Nelson

This August, the Younes Conference Center North in Kearney will host a crucial gathering aimed at driving Nebraska into a new era of economic and agricultural prosperity. The One Nebraska Ag & Economic Development Summit, scheduled for August 7-8, 2024, invites all interested parties to join in shaping the state’s future.

Governor Jim Pillen, alongside the Nebraska Department of Economic Development and the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, has opened registrations for this significant event. With a focus on unity and collaboration, the summit promises to offer valuable insights into Nebraska's economic and agricultural sectors.

Troy Dannen, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Athletic Director, will deliver the keynote address. His extensive experience in collegiate athletics and deep Midwest roots make him a notable speaker for this event.

The summit will cover a wide range of topics through its breakout sessions. These include talent attraction, the burgeoning bioeconomy, solutions for housing and childcare, water resource stewardship, and advancements in manufacturing.

Discussions will emphasize Nebraska’s transition from traditional agriculture to a more value-added, tech-driven approach.

Noteworthy will be the recognition of significant contributions to Nebraska's economic success during a special banquet hosted by the Nebraska Diplomats. This will include an awards ceremony celebrating outstanding leadership and community efforts over the past year.

Governor Pillen will open and close the summit, summarizing the discussions and outlining future directions for the state’s growth. Participants are encouraged to engage, learn, and contribute to the discussions that will define Nebraska's path forward in economic development and agriculture.

Photo Credit -nebraskas-ag-and-economic-development-summit

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Categories: Nebraska, Government & Policy

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