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USDA Reports Show Decline in Cattle Numbers

USDA Reports Show Decline in Cattle Numbers

By Jamie Martin

Several key USDA cattle reports released last week highlight important trends for the U.S. cattle industry. February saw noticeable decreases in cattle on feed and slaughter, while USDA announced the return of the July Cattle Inventory report, previously cut due to budget issues.

The Cattle on Feed report revealed total feedlot inventory at 11.6 million head on March 1—2% less than the previous year. Marketings fell 9% to 1.6 million head.

The most notable change was in February placements, which dropped 18%. This decline is partly due to fewer available feeder cattle and the aftermath of 2024’s winter storms that disrupted previous data comparisons.

Most states saw fewer placements, with Kansas showing the largest decrease at 100,000 head (down 22%), followed by Texas (down 27%) and Nebraska (down 13%). Washington was the only state to report an increase.

The Livestock Slaughter report showed a February total of 2.3 million cattle slaughtered—11% less than in February 2024. Steer slaughter dropped 6.6%, heifers 10.4%, and cow slaughter fell 21.8%.

Average live weights increased to 1,432 pounds, 48 pounds higher than last year. Steer dressed weights averaged 948 pounds, equivalent to 1,517 pounds live with a standard dressing percentage.

In a positive update, USDA-NASS has reinstated the July Cattle Inventory and County Estimates reports. These tools are especially useful during uncertain times as producers look for signs of herd rebuilding and market changes.

“This report is important for market participants looking for signs of herd expansion,” the USDA stated.

Together, these reports offer crucial information for understanding current conditions in the cattle market and preparing for future shifts in production and supply.

Photo Credit: usda

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