For the week ending Sunday, topsoil moisture supplies rated 7% very short, 28% short, 57% adequate, and 8% surplus, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 9% very short, 37% short, 48% adequate, and 6% surplus.
Winter wheat condition rated 0% very poor, 3% poor, 56% fair, 41% good, and 0% excellent.
Cattle and calf conditions rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 34% fair, 56% good, and 3% excellent. Cattle and calf death loss rated 1% heavy, 58% average, and 41% light. Calving progress was 3% complete, near 4% last year.
Sheep and lamb conditions rated 2% very poor, 4% poor, 40% fair, 51% good, and 3% excellent. Sheep and lamb death loss rated 1% heavy, 50% average, and 49% light. Lambing progress was 10% complete, near 8% last year. Shearing progress was 15% complete, near 19% last year.
Hay and roughage supplies rated 2% very short, 13% short, 84% adequate, and 1% surplus.
Stock water supplies rated 3% very short, 15% short, 80% adequate, and 2% surplus.
Data for this news were provided at the county level by USDA Farm Service Agency, NDSU Extension Service, and other reporters across the State.
Categories: Nebraska, Government & Policy, Livestock, Goats & Sheep