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Master swine biosecurity with UNL guide

Master swine biosecurity with UNL guide

By Scout Nelson

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's "A Guide to Swine Production Management" provides expert guidance on swine herd health and productivity, emphasizing biosecurity measures to prevent disease outbreaks and boost farm profitability. The guide details have several key biosecurity strategies:

Perimeter Biosecurity:

  • Establish secure farm boundaries to control access.
  • Enforce strict entry and exit protocols for both personnel and vehicles.
  • Utilize biosecure entry points equipped with disinfection facilities.

Internal Biosecurity:

  • Segregate pigs by age and production stage to reduce disease spread.
  • Employ all-in/all-out practices to facilitate cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Maintain cleanliness in all areas, including feeders and water systems.

Animal Movement Control:

  • Isolate new or returning animals to assess health before herd integration.
  • Limit internal animal movement and avoid external animal contact.
  • Use designated equipment and clothing for different farm areas.

Health Monitoring and Vaccination:

  • Conduct routine health assessments to detect diseases early.
  • Follow a region-specific vaccination schedule.
  • Keep detailed health records for efficient disease management.

Visitor and Personnel Management:

  • Limit farm access to essential personnel and informed visitors.
  • Implement stringent hygiene practices, such as handwashing and protective clothing.
  • Educate all farm visitors and staff on biosecurity protocols.

Feed and Water Biosecurity:

  • Source feed from trusted suppliers and store it securely.
  • Test water regularly to ensure it is free of harmful pathogens.
  • Design feed and water systems to minimize contamination risks.

Rodent and Pest Control:

  • Develop robust control programs to prevent disease transmission by pests.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain farm buildings to prevent pest entry.
  • Utilize effective baiting and trapping techniques.

Emergency Preparedness:

  • Create a comprehensive emergency plan for disease outbreaks.
  • Train staff thoroughly in emergency procedures and conduct regular drills.
  • Establish protocols for communication with veterinary authorities and neighboring farms.

By adhering to these biosecurity fundamentals, swine producers can safeguard their herds, enhance animal welfare, and boost farm efficiency. The guide serves as a crucial resource for building tailored biosecurity plans that cater to specific farm needs, fostering long-term success in the swine industry.

Photo Credit -istock-srdjan-stepic

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