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Annual Forages to Combat Drought Impact

Annual Forages to Combat Drought Impact

By Scout Nelson

Drought conditions pose significant challenges for feedlot operations, affecting both animal health and farm productivity. As parts of the state face dry conditions, it is crucial for farmers to implement effective strategies to minimize the impact on feedlot cattle. Here are several adaptive measures that can help manage these challenges effectively:

  • Strategic Use of Remaining Hay: Extending the feeding of hay into the spring can provide numerous benefits. This practice delays the turnout of cattle to pastures, allowing more time for grass growth and reducing the strain on pastures. This method is particularly useful in managing feed resources when pasture regrowth is uncertain due to drought.
  • Planting Annual Forages: To supplement pasture availability, consider planting annual forages. Cool-season forages like oats, spring triticale, or barley can be sown in early spring when soil temperatures reach 42 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. These crops provide a valuable source of forage in late spring to early summer, enhancing feed availability and reducing dependency on pastures.
  • Integrating Flexible Grazing and Hay Options: Depending on the primary objective—whether grazing or harvesting for hay—different species of forages can be selected. Warm-season grasses such as sudangrass or pearl millet are excellent for pasture due to their leafiness and rapid regrowth. For hay production, sorghum-sudan hybrids or pearl millet are preferable due to their high yield and quality when harvested multiple times throughout the season.
  • Diversifying Crop Selection: In areas prone to sandy soils or experiencing dry conditions, foxtail millet might be more appropriate for summer hay due to its adaptability and quick drying characteristics. Alternatively, Japanese millet is suitable for heavy, wet soils and can be used for grazing or hay, while teff is ideal for producing high-quality horse hay.
  • Preparing for Emergency Forage Needs: For scenarios like prolonged drought, having a strategy for emergency forage is essential. This might include increasing the proportion of field peas in seed mixtures to enhance forage quality or selecting high-yielding forage sorghums for silage to maximize feed value and tonnage.

By implementing these strategies, farmers can better prepare for and mitigate the impacts of drought on their feedlot operations. Planning and choosing the right management practices and crop types can significantly reduce the adverse effects of drought, ensuring the sustainability and productivity of feedlot farming.

Photo Credits:gettyimages-zhuda

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Categories: Nebraska, Crops, Hay & Forage, Weather

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