By Scout Nelson
Winter presents unique challenges for feedlot cattle management, with low temperatures and fluctuating weather conditions impacting cattle health and farm productivity. Effective management practices are essential to safeguard the well-being of cattle and ensure operational efficiency. Here are several strategies that can be implemented to combat the harsh winter weather:
- Ensuring Water Availability: Water is vital for cattle health. It is crucial to provide access to fresh, unfrozen water as dehydration can significantly impact health and reduce feed intake. Implementing heated waterers or insulating pipes can prevent water sources from freezing, ensuring continuous availability.
- Adapting Nutrition Needs: The energy requirements of cattle increase during colder temperatures to maintain body heat. Adjusting the feed to include more energy-dense foods such as grains and additional roughage can help meet these increased demands. Implementing storm rations that increase roughage can also prevent digestive issues and support energy needs during severe weather events.
- Providing Adequate Shelter: Creating effective windbreaks can protect cattle from cold winds and reduce the stress caused by cold exposure. Structures should be tall enough to block wind yet allow for air circulation. Bedding materials such as straw or corn stalks provide insulation, keeping cattle off the cold ground and reducing heat loss.
- Managing Health and Monitoring: Winter conditions can increase the risk of injuries and illnesses. Regularly checking the health of cattle, managing parasites, and ensuring vaccinations are up to date are critical. Facilities should also be prepared for winter with maintained water heaters and proper storage of medical supplies to prevent freezing.
- Planning for Bedding and Environment: Regular maintenance of bedding is essential to ensure it remains dry and effective. During extreme conditions, increasing the frequency and quantity of bedding helps maintain warmth and comfort.
Additionally, preparing the environment by clearing snow from paths to food and water sources can prevent injuries and ensure cattle continue to have access to necessary resources.
By taking proactive measures and preparing for winter conditions, feedlot managers can protect their livestock from the worst of the winter weather, ensuring their health and productivity remain uncompromised. These strategies not only promote animal welfare but also support the economic sustainability of farming operations during the winter months.
Photo Credits:gettyimages-digitalvision
Categories: Nebraska, Livestock, Dairy Cattle, Weather